Diagnostics, repair and sales of diesel power systems
Injector control: CDI, HDI, CRD, PD, UIS

Samas anname ka kasulikku nõu ja abi mitte ainult küsimustes, millele me oleme spetsialiseerunud, vaid ka muude süsteemide osas, näiteks probleemid ABS, Airbag jmt.
The main services of DIESELLAND SERVICE are diagnostics and repair of Common Rail (CDI, HDI, etc.) injectors, pump injectors (UIS, UPS), CR pumps of trucks, cars, tractors.
We mostly deal with such manufacturers as Bosch, Delphi, Denso, Siemens. Our equipment allows injectors to be coded after repair. There is also experience in the inspection and repair of American-made diesel systems (Cummins, Detroit, Caterpillar), and PIEZO injectors are not unknown.
Great attention is paid to team training.
At the same time, we also provide useful advice and help not only in matters that we specialize in, but also in other systems, such as problems with ABS, Airbag, etc.